Friday, February 15, 2013

UC Browser - A best mobile browser suitable for mobile phones of any OS platforms

The mobile world is moving towards android technology and every new application and existing applications focus on android market.

But UC Browser is constantly updating the application in both java and android versions. UC Browser might not create an excellent brand image among the users as like opera browser and i-browser. Still they compete with them by their excellent improvements in their product.through consumer feedback.

As usual I ll try to make this blog effective by giving information to both the users and application developers. The "drawbacks" section is wrote in a perspective of an user experienced this application.

  • In almost every Symbian and java phones , If you need to check an new sms in inbox or to dial a number in the mean time of browsing internet, you have to exit the browser and do so. But UC browser is an exception and you can dial or sms without exiting the application.There is an option Dial or Sms
  • More display setting options are available when compared to other browsers.
  • As said already, frequent updates will be available and you can update the version by just selecting the option Update version
  • Pre-loaded links/Bookmarks for several familiar and useful websites are available in ready-made.
  • Additional options like online storage,Quick news reads, online bookmarks are available.
  • Easy/effective download options available.You can choose custom location for saving your downloads.
  • Quick loading of websites when compared to other browsers.
  • The main drawback is, you cannot view videos directly in this web-browser. It may redirect you to the default browser or simply show "Format not supported".So you cannot browse you-tube videos here.I hope this issue may be solved in future versions.
  • The time taken for loading the application is very slow. This can be solved by clearing the history/cache of the browser every-time.

You can  directly get it from the official website.

Explore it and use if you like it. Happy Surfing.

Note:The review mainly focused on Symbian and java versions , there are other versions (iOS,android,Windows) available in the website you can make use of it.