Alt code for symbols, letters and Characters | Alt code list


What is Alt code ?

Alt code is used to include/type symbols and characters which are not available in keyboard. To include a symbol , just hold the alt key and press the code for the symbol simultaneously. For example,
  • to include a smiley press and hold Alt key and press 1 simultaneously . ☺
  • to create a check mark, use alt code Alt + 251 .

List of frequently used symbols, characters and their Alt codes.
+Currency Symbol for countries

Symbol Name of Symbol Alt Code
¢ Cent Symbol Alt + 155
Alt + 0162
£ Pound Symbol Alt + 156
Alt + 0163
¤ General currency Symbol Alt + 0164
¥ Yen Symbol Alt + 157
Alt + 0165
French franc Symbol Alt + 8355
Lira Symbol Alt + 8356
Peseta Symbol Alt + 158
Alt + 8359
New sheqel Symbol Alt + 8362
Dong Symbol Alt + 8363
Euro Symbol Alt + 0128
Alt + 8364

+Copyright, Legal , Technical Representations & Symbols

Symbol Name of Symbol Alt Code
§ Section Symbol Alt + 21
Alt + 0167
© Copyright Symbol Alt + 0169
® Registered trademark Symbol Alt + 0174
ª Feminine ordinal indicator Alt + 166
Alt + 0170
¬ Not Symbol Alt + 170
Alt + 0172
Reversed not Symbol Alt + 169
Alt + 8976
µ Micro Symbol Alt + 0181
Dagger Alt + 0134
Double dagger Alt + 0135
Per mille Symbol Alt + 0137
Alt + 8240
Prime Alt + 8242
Double prime Alt + 8243
Care of Alt + 8453
Numero Symbol Alt + 8470
Trademark Symbol Alt + 0153
Alt + 8482
Ohm Symbol Alt + 8486
House Alt + 127
Alt + 8962

+Shaded Shapes and Symbols

Symbol Name of Character Alt Code
Upper half block symbol Alt + 223
Alt + 9600
Lower half block symbol Alt + 220
Alt + 9604
Full block symbol Alt + 219
Alt + 9608
Left half block symbol Alt + 221
Alt + 9612
Right half block symbol Alt + 222
Alt + 9616
Light shade symbol Alt + 176
Alt + 9617
Medium shade symbol Alt + 177
Alt + 9618
Dark shade symbol Alt + 178
Alt + 9619
Black square symbol Alt + 254
Alt + 9632
White square symbol Alt + 9633
Black small square symbol Alt + 9642
White small square symbol Alt + 9643
Black rectangle symbol Alt + 22
Alt + 9644
Black up-pointing triangle symbol Alt + 30
Alt + 9650
Black right-pointing pointer symbol Alt + 16
Alt + 9658
Black down-pointing triangle symbol Alt + 31
Alt + 9660
Black left-pointing pointe symbolr Alt + 17
Alt + 9668
Lozenge symbol Alt + 9674
White circle symbol Alt + 9
Alt + 9675
Black circle symbol Alt + 9679
Inverse bullet symbol Alt + 8
Alt + 9688
Inverse white circle symbol Alt + 10
Alt + 9689
White bullet symbol Alt + 9702

+Dingbats - Printer Characters and symbols

Symbol Name of the Symbol Alt Code for the Symbol
White smiling face symbol Alt + 1
Alt + 9786
Black smiling face symbol Alt + 2
Alt + 214
Alt + 9787
White sun-rays symbol Alt + 15
Alt + 9788
Female Symbol Alt + 12
Alt + 9792
Male Symbol Alt + 11
Alt + 9794
Spade suit symbol Alt + 6
Alt + 9824
Club suit symbol Alt + 5
Alt + 9827
Heart suit symbol Alt + 3
Alt + 9829
Diamond suit symbol Alt + 4
Alt + 9830
Eighth note symbol Alt + 13
Alt + 9834
Beamed eighth notes symbol Alt + 14
Alt + 9835

+Mathematical symbols and Characters

Symbol Name of the Symbol Alt Code for the Symbol
× Multiplication Symbol Alt + 0215
÷ Division Symbol Alt + 246
Alt + 0247
Subtract or Minus Symbol Alt + 8722
± Plus or minus Symbol Alt + 241
Alt + 0177
π Greek lowercase letter pi symbol
Fornt Slash or Fraction slash symbol Alt + 8260

Super script lowercase n
Super script 2
Alt + 252
Alt + 8319
Alt + 253
Estimated symbol Alt + 8494
Partial differential symbol Alt + 8706
Increment symbol Alt + 8710
N-ary product symbol Alt + 8719
N-ary summation symbol Alt + 8721
Division slash symbol Alt + 8725
 Bullet operator symbol Alt + 250
Alt + 8729
Square root symbol Alt + 251
Alt + 8730
Infinity symbol Alt + 236
Alt + 8734
Right angle symbol Alt + 28
Alt + 8735
Intersection symbol Alt + 239
Alt + 8745
Integral symbol Alt + 8747
Top half integral symbol Alt + 244
Alt + 8992
Bottom half integral  symbol Alt + 245
Alt + 8993
Almost equal to symbol Alt + 247
Alt + 8776
Not equal to symbol Alt + 8800
Identical to symbol Alt + 240
Alt + 8801
Less than or equal to symboll Alt + 243
Alt + 8804
Greater than or equal to symbol Alt + 242
Alt + 8805
+Arrow symbols and Representations

Symbol Name of the Symbol Alt Code for the Symbol
¦ Broken vertical bar symbol Alt + 0166
º Degree Symbol Alt + 248
Alt + 0176
Paragraph Symbol Alt + 20
Alt + 0182
· Middle dot Alt + 249
Alt + 0183
Bullet symbol Alt + 7
Alt + 8226
Leftwards arrow symbol Alt + 27
Alt + 8592
Upward arrow symbol Alt + 24
Alt + 8593
Rightward arrow symbol Alt + 26
Alt + 8594
Downward arrow symbol Alt + 25
Alt + 8595
Left and right arrow symbol Alt + 29
Alt + 8596
Up and down arrow symbol Alt + 18
Alt + 23
Alt + 8597