Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Fido PUK code unlock | To retrieve FIDO PUK code and reset PIN number

If you enter the FIDO sim card security PIN code wrongly for three times, then your FIDO SIM will be locked and request for PUK code.

PUK code is an eight digit security feature and it is unique for each FIDO sim card. You cannot get or Download FIDO PUK code anywhere else. The procedure to unlock PUK code is same for iPhone, Android phones line Samsung, Sony etc
The only way is to get it through official FIDO customer service as mentioned in this article.

To retrieve FIDO PUK Code online:

  1. If you already registered with FIDO My account, then visit → My Account 
  2. Login with your FIDO username and password.
  3. Select your Fido Phone number that is requesting PUK code,
  4. Under My Device Tab, select the option Retrieve PUK Code
  5. Note down the PUK code number

To Know PUK code through FIDO Customer care

If you did not register for FIDO My Account, then dial 611 from a Fido phone or 1-888-481-3436 from any other mobile network or landline and request for PUK code.

Or else you can chat with the Fido Customer service in the following link, and request them for PUK code

Once you got your Fido 8 digit PUK code, enter it in your locked mobile phone.
Now the phone will request you to reset your PIN Number.
Set a new four digit PIN number to unlock your Fido SIM, now your phone will work normally.