Wednesday, January 25, 2017

ICICI multi wallet food card Check Balance Online: 3 steps: ICICI food card

Employees who have ICICI multi-wallet food card can check the balance amount anytime through Pockets app by ICICI or through online self-care portal using just three quick steps.

To Check balance amount of ICICI multiwallet food card online:

1.    Go to offical ICICI prepaid multiwallet users website .
2.    If this is your first time, Sign up to create User id and password using your multiwallet card details. If you have already registered , login with the user id

3.    Visit MyAccount → Account information section to see the balance available in your ICICI food card.

This procedure applicable for checking balance for other cards like ICICI travel card, fuel card, medical card, retail fashion card etc. To check the detailed transactions made through the card, click My Account → Select card type → Click Mini statement option